Aggressive streamline by diana gabriela amezquita barajas from mexico
designer's own words:
This designed started as an idea of anything that came to the mind but just in concepts or criteria, then the criteria that came as the most strong line of design i was trying to follow was the streamline and more specific the streamlines in car design history, so i begin with this concept and developed it as an inspirations in streamline but also i tried to give it a touch of aggressive so then it came the idea of clean sharp edges. The material i´m proposing for this design is brass. The manufacturing process will be brass casting with a mold made out of rubber, plaster or sand. The finishing of the brass would Zirconium gold HPS used as well in some of the Colombo designed door handles.
image taken from the bottom
image taken from the top
door handle in use
door handle in use 2
door handle in use from the top