AG by marcello ligabue from italy

designer's own words:

AG is a sign, not only a handle. It's a minimal and elegant product rich of "sense", made to be cheap and fast to produce, easy to install, friendly to use. It has the name of a "poet" of italian design: AG Fronzoni, died in Milan in 2002 as a tribute of his philosophy and teaching.

AG follows the perspective where handles are not only an ergonomic element of the door, but actors. They reflect moods and personality, they have a big role in the contemporary interior design project.

The AG handle looks beyond the contemporary handle concepts and is born to be all in one, without rose, screws or additional elements, and at the same time, flexibile to provide multiple kind of personalization options.

It can provide multiple features and, at the same time, follow the international standards for mechanical parts, for doors, for building and safety standard which is the main condition of this project.

AG keyword is simplicity. Simplicity not only aesthetically speaking, but for all the different stages of the life of the product including production and installation.

AG is a single casting handle in metal alloy obtained by the fusion of 2 elementary volumes: a parallelepiped lever on a cylinder. The first cuts the second to form a new architectural shape. This optical illusion is important for the aesthetic result and for the right proportion of the handle to reduce the thickness.

The volumes, combined together provide essential lines to the door and have different roles.

The cylinder provides rotation, and covers the spring cassette.
The cylinder fit the bore very easily. It's made to fit not close to the door, with a 2mm space between the door and the handle to permit rotation. The dimension of the cylinder (50 mm wide, 40mm high) provides enough space to cover a cylindrical spring cassette of 6mm concept in use of Colombo Design (for roses of 50mm). It works like a handle and like a rose at the same time.

The parallelepiped lever provide personalizations.
The lever seams a single and separated object. With its own identity it can be treated with different surface finishing and can have multiple personalization: classical chrome, bronze or steel, or different and contemporary colors like Pantone, used in graphics…or finishing like wood material if we want to fit a wooden door or if we want something natural.

The combination of the finishing surface in the 2 volumes gives identity and personality to the handle.

The result is a minimal sign ,every time different, a dress for the door and the design space.


