adore a door by félix ** from belgium
designer's own words:
Hide away the door by the light, transcend the borders.
Breaking trough the light…
Instead of concealing the door, the light push the door forward, push it out and drift it away too. With the light, the door became abstract, intangible.
The light simulate an opening, the door’s sheet simulate sensations, desire, styles (moulding, padding…), this plane and lightning surface stimulate a new area for personal creativity.
The different covers of adore a door could be easily changed, according to the desire, the mood… In this way, a new space is created.
By this viewpoint (changer d’avis comme de porte / always changing the door…) we could envisage a range of refillable stickers with different way off expression, for a day, a party, an event.
In a more functional design, this door could be used like signalling (fire, way out, toilets, etc).
break on trough