a walking aid by malav sanghvi from india
designer's own words:
I got the inspiration to work on this project after realizing the need and importance of design in the field of amputation and prosthesis. I initially started this project by concentrating to design a product to serve the needs of amputed people. Then it eventually was developed into a universal product which can also be used for different purposes.
Design is defined by the context it is practiced and is expressed on the basis of a need. The walking stick designed here explores the need in a special category where it utilizes hand muscular power to operate the leg by strategic designing inputs. It serves the purpose for people affected with physical ailments like weak leg muscles, muscle tear, ligament tear, knee problems, paralysis, short foot, prosthesis training, etc. The design of the product allows flexibility in usage by any person irrespective of age, including the younger generation, constantly on the move. The stick can easily be strapped to the leg. It has to be strapped at 3 places on the leg (a)thigh (b) below knee (c)ankle and one on the forearm. The design uses the hand muscle power to operate the leg. The energy from hand is channelized for facilitating the leg movement. The stick is designed taking ergonomical constraints into consideration. It can be adjusted in height at three different points. (a) Calf area (b) thigh (c) forearm. This can be used by people of all body structures ranging from 5th percentile woman to 95th percentile man. The stick is designed to give a strong support near the knee joint just like an external skeleton The compactness of the device allows easy packaging and subsequent ease in transportation and storage. The strap can be rotated, thus allowing the stick to be used in both the legs. This eradicates the need of separate devices for two legs. Design is about enhancing the quality of life and this device is an attempt to usher in design for change, hope, and a better life.
The walking aidHeight adjustmentLeft/Right leg optionPackagingWalkcycle