a little change in a big chain

a little change in a big chain by sarngsan na soontorn from france

designer's own words:

To say “The world is full of objects” is not new, but it is still true. The intention of these projects is based on a preoccupation - in creating new things, to try to create as few objects as possible.

I looked at existing objects, ordinary items, things that we are really so familiar with that we rarely question the way they exist.
I tried to observe each element of their whole aspect, to see what we do need, what we do not need, and what I can do.

This is my attempt to create new things - not as a whole but in a little detail.

The right little modification within the manufacturing process can mean a lot. (saving energy, saving materials, saving time, saving costs, etc. – saving planet)

The stapler, a milk or fruit juice carton and a suspended lamp are the objects I chose to work with.

: a non-stapler stapler

At the corner of each sheet of A4 sized paper, there is a little pre-cut fold (made during fabrication). Ten sheets of paper (maximum) can therefore be held together without need for a staple, or a stapler or an un-stapler.

: a non-plastic cap carton

The little tongue grows from the original paper body of the carton, replacing an added plastic cap. The object becomes mono-material, more economical in terms of production and more ecological in terms of consumption.

The detail of this little tongue indicates the opening place of the carton and then the gesture of drinking. The carton changes its form when it is closed again. I would like to propose a reliable open/close system that, at the same time, marks a state of change after the carton is opened. This is not clearly noticeable on a normal carton with plastic cap. On the side, next to the tongue, the expiration date is placed, making it clearly visible right after the first use.

lamp bulb
: a lampshade integrated light bulb

Incandescent, halogen, LED, compact fluorescent or whatever the technology can be, the form of the original light bulb persists. The glass sphere which used to function physically to hold the inert gas, changes to function mentally as the icon of this kind of light element. It gains a new function and loses its old one.

* (remarks from the image) The idea is to create the different thickness or density of the layer of phosphorus, which already functions as the lampshade.


02upd.jpg chimney

03upd.jpg lamp bulb