a design for indian traditions

a design for indian traditions by rg from india

designer's own words:

India is a land of ancient traditions, many of which still exist as a part of people’s daily lives. The Indian culture still upholds many conservative notions about how people are supposed to behave and there exist a set of strict rules that govern how men and women are supposed to interact with each other. Like in most traditional societies, women, especially married, are supposed to hide their faces with veils in the company of elders.

Since tradition dictates that they are also not supposed to sit next to men other than their husbands or younger brothers, traveling on two-wheelers can be an especially perilous affair. However, many among the middle class in India still cannot afford cars which often translates into major inconvenience for these tradition-minded folks. my challenge was to solve this challenge.

Opportunity a design for indian traditionsCreativitya design for indian traditionsPackagea design for indian traditionsFinal 3d modela design for indian traditionsIntegration shota design for indian traditionsMoney shot