a box by weii from germany
designer's own words:
"After we die, what will we leave behind?
"Besides memories, Sadness... , and something else?"
This is a question I always think about since I start to design this project,
The name "a-BOX" comes from " bone ash box" , which is made with recycling paper that will decompose in the soil after a period of time. This design was inspired by eco deathcare.
People who decide to use a-Box as their deathcare option can go to the a-Box website. There are no fancy catalog of funeral, but options of plants. Various plants that people could choose what they would like to leave behind. After cremation, The bone ash will be packed into an a-BOX with the chosen plant‘s seeds.
Five years..., ten years... after the family members buried the a-BOX, family, children, and grandchildren will be able to cherish the memories of their loved ones with the plants.
Furthermore, the use of a-BOX can also beautify our environment, boost sustainability.
What will we leave after we die? Memories, sadness, or something else…Four steps
People can choose what kind of plant they want to leave online.
A simple way to the end
Return to the natural
This is how the future generations will cherish the memories of…