60degreesconnect by nils tideman from netherlands
designer's own words:
The 60degreesconnect is a chair that connects teenagers by forming a network that makes communication both ideal and variable. Since each chair has five connection points, you can shift the connection between your chair and someone else's by rotating the chair 60 degrees. You can look each other in the eyes whilst conversating. Or you can turn away from your (class)mates because you feel the urge to be alone and listen to your i-pod and still be part of the network. Each 60degreesconnect has two cup holders in its armrests. In it, teenagers can store their soda, i-pod, mobile phone, laptop, etc. 60degreesconnects have one seat, but house room for more than only one person, or just some table space. All in all, the 60degreesconnect will make teenagers feel comfortable and at home, both group wise as well as individually.
Between the 60degreesconnects, there’s room for the multi holder. Multi holders can support lamps, heating systems, flat screen monitors, loudspeakers, a clock, fans, coat- and bag hangers, etc. Each multi holder has a space for electric wiring and power supplies can be built in.
The 60degreesconnect and the matching multi holder come in a hard and a soft version: The hard one is made of polypropylene (ABS). The soft version is made of polyetherfoam with a Mellow Face coating. Both versions can be used in- and outdoors because of the strong and durable material which can be easily cleaned. They come in one size and can be produced in various colours. Places where you can find the 60degreesconnect: clubs, terraces, lounges, parties, hotels, stores, events, bars, restaurants, swimming pools, beach clubs, sport facilities, schools etc.
The 60degreesconnects do not necessarily have to be bought in pairs of ten or so. They can very well be used as a stand alone object.
60c introduction
60c cup- and multy holder
60c specifications