2D//3D by CFM from germany
designer's own words:
2D//3D is the search for a new shape for garments. Garments that are not simply sewn together from single parts but consist of modules that can be fit together on the body by the wearer.
This conscious step back to a flat shape refers to the kimono and the european garment-tradition before the 12th century. Seven engineered shapes that adapt to the body shape, but at the same time open to any use, can be combined and assembled to new garments. Magnets sewn into the garment make it possible to connect the modules wherever you want. In the future these magnets will be replaced by a microvelcro – invisibly applied on the surface of the fabric and inspired by the Galium Aparine, a plant with little hairs on the leaves allowing her to stick on surfaces.
The developed future scenario explains that in the future garments will be limited due to the lack of raw materials. Due to the optimised production without offcuts and the open way of wearing 2D//3D proves to be sustainable. The modules can be assembled and reassembled to garments – one set of modules covers all your needs.
These garments are not simply sewn together from single parts but consist of different flat modules that can be fit together on the body by the wearer. This conscious step back to a flat shape refers to the kimono and the garment-tradition before the 12th century giving the wearer more freedom of choice, more possibilities to individualise himself.
A combination of two modules. The modules can be assembled and easily reassembled to new garments.

Due to the optimised production without any offcuts and the open way of wearing 2D//3D proves to be sustainable.

Endless possibilities of wearing and combining the seven modules.

The modules can in future scenario also constantly change the surface. This is possible because the outer material is a woven screen that is able to display any pattern and colour.

The research-book and the thesis-book containing all information about 2D//3D, – the field study, the making and the future scenario.