in less than a year, what started as a personal artistic project quickly grew into show-stopping collaborations for physical iterations in cities like jeddah and miami.
designboom interviews the world's top architects, artists, designers, curators, and innovators. discover our in-depth conversations delving into the minds and creative processes of the leading protagonists in the field, and don't miss our filmed video interviews from the early 2000s: treasures on tape from the designboom archives.
the honesty bar installation presents knötti, an alcohol-free drink made from local waters, german hops, and invasive japanese knotweed.
connections: +480
the staircase is inclined at a 5-degree angle — enough to be noticeable but not immediately obvious, creating a sense of doubt.
the japanese artist talks to designboom about her new work, which can be viewed in venice before its permanent installation in an ethiopian cave.
connections: +170