japanese brand ‘beams couture’ introduces a line of upcycled fashion products in collaboration with ziploc. beams couture makes use of past-season items, bringing them back to life with handmade care and attention to detail, and infusing them with new value. through this new collaboration, the brand treats ziploc plastic products as if they were forgotten favorites in the bottom of the drawer, and transforms them into fresh, wearable characters of their own.

ziploc luxury bags



the collaboration between beams couture and ziploc has been released on august 15. designers at beam couture developed the line out of a recognition of a popular attraction to a brand together with the necessity for the reuse of materials. the collection is comprised of nine item types, including tote bags, umbrellas, aprons and caps.

ziploc luxury bags ziploc luxury bags ziploc luxury bags ziploc luxury bags ziploc luxury bags ziploc luxury bags ziploc luxury bags