hanging roots and vaulted ceilings shape this underground bar in ukraine

hanging roots and vaulted ceilings shape this underground bar in ukraine


‘deep bar’ hosts underground wine and mixology bars


deep bar is a two-story venue in dnipro city, ukraine, that unites an underground bar with a floral shop and a small café. designed by local studio YOD group, the bar features natural, tactile materials, along with a thoughtful lighting scheme, to create an intimate and relaxed atmosphere. 


the first floor holds the flower shop and café and functions as the entrance hall with massive steel doors hiding the stairs that lead to a roomy basement. once underground, visitors are met by a wine bar with a chamber-like atmosphere and high vaulted ceiling, and a mixology bar with lounge seats. a smoking zone, hookah area, partly opened kitchen, and DJ spot also occupy the venue’s basement. 

yod group designed a bar with roots on the ceiling that locates under the flower shop 2
all images © andriy bezuglov



an intimate ambience of deep connections and contentment


YOD group designers used oak wood as the primary interior material to emulate an intimate, chamber-like ambiance. recycled boards from a 70- year-old building were also injected into the design for a more ‘honest’ accent. moreover, the absence of windows turned out to be a big advantage. ‘that is a perfect thing for such an evening bar format,’ reveals the team. 


beside functional material, the project also includes two sizeable installations with emotional resonance. above the mixology bar, guests can see roots hanging from the ceiling — a design that nods to the flower roots from the shop above. in other words, this installation conceptually connects both levels to show a ‘deep’ enmeshment. ‘everything is connected, and every action has some roots,’ explains YOD group. 

yod group designed a bar with roots on the ceiling that locates under the flower shop 9
the wine bar sits in a vaulted chamber


the second installation represents a man’s face made from timber slots . placed behind the bar counter, the 3D artwork is a symbol of being content with oneself and the world. indeed most people, the team argues, come to a bar to get that feeling of peace and contentment. 

yod group designed a bar with roots on the ceiling that locates under the flower shop 3
roots hanging from the ceiling, symbolizing a connection to the flower shop above

yod group designed a bar with roots on the ceiling that locates under the flower shop 1
stairs leading to the venue’s basement, with roots overtaking the ceiling


yod group designed a bar with roots on the ceiling that locates under the flower shop 4
mixology bar with a lounge area

yod group designed a bar with roots on the ceiling that locates under the flower shop 5
chamber-like atmosphere with red lighting exudes intimacy and relaxation

yod group designed a bar with roots on the ceiling that locates under the flower shop 6
a high ceiling and thoughtful lighting scheme create the ideal ‘evening’ bar format

yod group designed a bar with roots on the ceiling that locates under the flower shop 10
hung behind the bar counter, a 3D timber installation represents a man’s face





project info:


location: 1 barykadna street,  dnipro, ukraine

completed: 2021
area: 437 sqm

design: YOD group 

team: volodymyr nepyivoda, dmytro bonesko, konstantyn polischuk, glyb melnyk, olesya sheshel
branding and graphic design: PRAVDA design 
photography: andriy bezuglov 




designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lea zeitoun | designboom


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