werner aisslinger’s garden of wonders architecturally showcases kvadrat textiles at imm cologne

all images courtesy of kvadrat




werner aisslinger’s ‘garden of wonders’ for kvadrat, exhibits the breadth of colours and textures of the danish textile manufacturer’s fabrics in an unusual way. presented at design post as part of the imm cologne passagen program, the installation includes  a small architectural ‘kvadrat cabin house’ collaged with textiles that acts as the centre piece of the ‘garden’. 


aisslinger has a background in industrial and architectural design and has been involved in introducing new materials to the world of product design. for this project werner aisslinger says:


‘kvadrat is the brand designers love for the sophistication of their products and the care kvadrat takes in the projects, ideas, conceptsand continuous research they undertake. to experience a complete kvadrat colour collage in an exhibition space, we came up with the ‘kvadrat cabin house’ – a small piece of architecture dressed as a collage in a wide range of fabrics. here, all storage elements are conceptualised in a very new spirit: the curtain rack, the rug rack and the shelf are fresh ways of presenting kvadrat’s textiles in a ‘garden of wonders’ created from the material.’ 

werner aisslinger garden of-wonders kvadrat designboom

werner aisslinger created a small architectural ‘kvadrat cabin house’ collaged with textiles





werner aisslinger has arranged the space constructively, by carefully considering how each material can be displayed. rugs are spread out on the floor whilst sheets of fabrics are draped from the ceiling. tables are set up with neatly piled textiles on top, as well as rails that allow you to flick through a variety of different versions, ranging in colour and texture. aisslinger creates a visual feast, that brings to light each materials’ unique qualities. the result is an extravagant display that highlights the functional and aesthetic properties of kvadrat’s fabrics.

werner aisslinger garden of wonders kvadrat designboom

werner aisslinger has considered all aspects of the space

werner-aisslinger_garden-of-wonders_kvadrat_designboom_08werner aisslinger has considered all aspects of the space

werner aisslinger garden of wonders kvadrat designboomwerner aisslinger garden of wonders kvadrat designboomeach textile adds a new layer to the installation

werner aisslinger garden of wonders kvadrat designboom

werner aisslinger garden of wonders kvadrat designboom

sheets of fabrics are draped from the ceiling

werner aisslinger garden of wonders kvadrat designboom

the exhibition includes rails that allow you to flick through a variety of different versions ranging in colour and texture

werner aisslinger garden of wonders kvadrat designboom

the ‘garden of wonders’ highlights the functional and aesthetic properties of kvadrat’s fabrics
