japanese designer tsuchiya kaban has been crafting leather bags and accessories since 1965. from school bags to wallets, detail and craftsmanship are in the center of his practice, creating pieces that enhance the sense of individuality on each customer. made by craftsman yusuke kadoi, the watermelon bag is the company’s latest product, a luxury handbag that allows users to carry a watermelon.

tsuchiya kaban crafts luxurious leather bag to carry a watermelon around



tsuchiya kaban’s watermelon bag is a work of art. as part of the fun of carrying initiative, the bag presents a very specific use, one that we hadn’t probably seen before. through intricate details, the bag can expand and contract depending on the size of the summer fruit. the bottom is made up of multiple leather parts, adding support. twist, pull and bend, the bag is both strong and delicate.


watch the video below and enjoy the creation process.


tsuchiya kaban crafts luxurious leather bag to carry a watermelon around

tsuchiya kaban crafts luxurious leather bag to carry a watermelon around

tsuchiya kaban crafts luxurious leather bag to carry a watermelon around

tsuchiya kaban crafts luxurious leather bag to carry a watermelon around

tsuchiya kaban crafts luxurious leather bag to carry a watermelon around



project info:


name: watermelon bag

designer: tsuchiya kaban

craftsman: yusuke kadoi