tokyo art beat have released two new shirts for their 2008 fall collection.

tokyo art beat t shirts ‘appenzell tyo’ by so + ba

so+ba is alex sonderegger + susanna baer, are a swiss duo that have been working in tokyo for more than 10 years. they created a design inspired by the traditional silhouetted paper cut-out art from the swiss alpine region of “appenzell”. the design include scenes and symbols that populate daily life in tokyo.

tokyo art beat t shirts

tokyo art beat t shirts ‘huge tokyo mansion’ by paramodel

paramodel are yasuhiko hayashi and yusuke nakano, an artist duo from eastern osaka formed in 2001. for tokyo art beat they created a patchwork of apartment layout plans found in japanese real estate agencies to create a huge fictional mansion that spells out the 3 kanji –  big, grand, tokyo.
