tokujin yoshioka has shared the template for an easy-to-make face shield in aid of healthcare workers fighting on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. the quick and simple design can be easily put together as it only takes three steps to assemble. after downloading the template, one has to put it on top of a clear plastic sheet, cut it along the guideline, and attach it to their glasses.

tokujin yoshioka shares easy-to-make face shield in aid of COVID-19 healthcare workersall images courtesy of tokujin yoshioka



‘I am grateful to the brave and dedicated healthcare workers for fighting the contagious disease,’ says tokujin yoshioka. ‘I’d like to share my quick and simple face shield idea for emergency situation with shortage of medical supplies.’ the template for the face shield can be downloaded here (no fee or permission required for its use), after which it only takes a clear plastic sheet, a pair of glasses, and three easy steps to assemble. all one has to do is print and put the template on top of a clear plastic sheet, cut it along the guidelines, and attach it to a pair glasses.

tokujin yoshioka shares easy-to-make face shield in aid of COVID-19 healthcare workers




project info:



designer: tokujin yoshioka

template download: here