the number of people with asthma continues to grow — one in 12 people had asthma in 2009, compared with 1 in 14 in 2001. taking into consideration this worldwide common long term inflammatory disease, california-based designer tim zarki has proposed ‘hue’ — a concept for a multi dose inhaler — for the #BREATHEBETTERWITHCS community design challenge put on by creative session. the proposal is meant to make a bold statement instead of being a source of self-consciousness.

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom
‘hue’ by tim zarki is a multi dose inhaler 



featuring a sleek and color-coordinated aesthetic, ‘hue’ by tim zarki for creative session’s design challenge relies on 3D printing to vary the color, transparency, and rigidity of the material. following CMF (color, material, finish) — an area of industrial design that focuses on chromatic, tactile and decorative aspects — the resulting design aims to change the stigma around the disease, granting users an object that looks good and works fine. featured in four different color combinations — black and white, green and pink, orange and blue, and red and green — ‘hue’ has a gradient that contrasts with its function: aerosolizing a medication pressurized inside a canister. complete with a counter, 200 to be exact, the multi dose inhaler has been rendered using cinema4D and octane.

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom
the proposal is meant to make a bold statement instead of being a source of self-consciousness

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom
the design relies on 3D printing to vary the color, transparency, and rigidity of the material

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom
the piece focuses on chromatic, tactile and decorative aspects

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom
the resulting design aims to change the stigma around the disease and having to use medication daily

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom
complete with a counter, 200 to be exact

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom
‘hue’ has a string that allows for easier carrying

tim zarki hue inhaler designboom
logotype design