a new book from columbia university press presents jason oddy’s photographic journey into the architecture of oscar niemeyer. the publication, titled ‘the revolution will be stopped halfway’, documents the renowned brazilian architect’s projects in algeria following a commission from president houari boumediene in 1968. from universities to an olympic sports hall, to a series of public structures, the buildings by niemeyer were designed to manifest boumediene’s new vision of algeria as a modern and independent nation.
the cover is printed on the back of the book cloth
all images courtesy of melia tandiono
the book itself has been designed by glen cummings and melia tandiono at MTWTF to offer a nontraditional approach to material use by assigning function to contrasting textures. as each page is glossy on one side and matte on the other, two-page spreads are assembled in such a way that the opposing pages are the same texture. the glossy spreads are used for oddy’s photographs, and the matte for text.
the textural counterpoint between alternating spreads is elegant in its simplicity and provides a distinct visual and tactile experience for the reader. in contrast to the muted tones of the text printed on matte, the photographs feel exceptionally luminous on each glossy spread that follows, bringing niemeyer’s exceptional projects to life through the lens of oddy.
book info:
book title: the revolution will be stopped halfway: oscar niemeyer in algeria
author: jason oddy
book design: glen cummings and melia tandiono
publisher: columbia university press
published date: november 2019
ISBN: 9781941332504
format: 240 pages / paperback
list price: $35.00 / £30.00
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: lynne myers | designboom