living silver exhibition from: 20 march 2009 until 30 april 2009 at: creative space brussels

‘the romans wanted it’ by thalen & thalen all images courtesy creative space

opening today is the ‘living silver’ exhibition at creative space, brussels featuring the work of dutch designers thalen & thalen. father and son are mastering the art of contemporary silversmithing and are showcasing their work with silver and jewellery designer, mei lee.

thalen and thalen with mei lee: 'living silver' exhibition at creative space, brussels ‘fragments’ by thalen & thalen

thalen and thalen with mei lee: 'living silver' exhibition at creative space, brussels ‘pieces in the wind I’ by mei lee

thalen and thalen with mei lee: 'living silver' exhibition at creative space, brussels ‘don’t plat my mikado’ by thalen & thalen with mei lee

thalen and thalen with mei lee: 'living silver' exhibition at creative space, brussels ‘come to my nest’ by thalen & thalen with mei lee

thalen and thalen with mei lee: 'living silver' exhibition at creative space, brussels

thalen and thalen with mei lee: 'living silver' exhibition at creative space, brussels

thalen and thalen with mei lee: 'living silver' exhibition at creative space, brussels