for those who enjoy working outside, sunshader is the ultimate sun shade, heat shade and privacy shade for laptops and tablets. developed by inventor alex griffin, this simple but effective piece of design allows users to work from anywhere, including outside during bright days.

sunshader is the sun shade, heat shade & privacy shade for laptops
image by sunshader



working remotely has become the new normal and as we adapt we need to create alternatives that work effectively beyond the office. until now, both laptops and tablets were difficult to use outside as the sunlight makes the screen too dark and the device might overheat. to fix this, sunshader uses a black plush material on the interior that protects the device while creating a black.out zone  for perfect screen viewing. the exterior features a blue robust material with a neoprene layer for easy cleaning.

sunshader is the sun shade, heat shade & privacy shade for laptops



the sunshader comes in two sizes that fit all laptops and tablets and comes with clips that flex to fit the screens. these specially designed, flexible, rubberized clips span securely onto the edges of the screen and can be released quickly with a simple tug. the clip flexes open and closed to fit different screen thicknesses, ensuring even your laptop camera is enabled.


sunshader is currently seeking funding on indiegogo here.

sunshader is the sun shade, heat shade & privacy shade for laptops

sunshader is the sun shade, heat shade & privacy shade for laptops

sunshader is a sun shade, heat shade and privacy shade for laptops



project info:


name: sunshader

created by: alex griffin

fundraising campaign: indiegogo

webpage: here