perfect for pure and minimalistic interiors, the ‘nebl’ vase mimics the scene of a winters day. designed by berlin-based studio rem, it uses a semi-translucent glass to tease its contents by creating the impression of flora shrouded in a wall of fog.

studio rem's nebl vase wraps its contents in a foggy day

images courtesy of studio nebl



the design comprises a ceramic base in which the plant is placed, and a frosted glass jar that is rested upon it, creating a safe cocoon for houseplants. the glass is designed with two openings, each a different size to allow either a high or low position upon the base.

studio rem's nebl vase wraps its contents in a foggy day



nebl derives from the german word, ‘nebel’, meaning fog. combining the frosted mouth-blown glass with the ceramic base, designer michael rem intended to capture the sense of peacefulness and calmness that strikes, when everything is wrapped in rich, grey quietness on a foggy day.

studio rem's nebl vase wraps its contents in a foggy day



at studio rem its all about our passion for design and our love for telling stories with our products,’ lead designer michael rem explains.stories from a fascinating world full of magnificent effects, forces and constructions hidden in our everyday life.’

studio rem's nebl vase wraps its contents in a foggy day



product info


designer: studio rem

product name: nebl