‘bogolog’ is a workout device that harnesses advanced technology to the benefits of physical activity designed by israel-based studio lama. the project found motivation from bogolog’s CEO adis mekonan, whose memories from when he was a child growing up in ethiopia included playing a local version of tetherball. having no ball to play with, the kids improvised a bag stuffed with fabric scraps tied with rope to a pole. with this in mind, adis commissioned studio lama to develop the product.

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom



‘our design strategy conceived a shell that conveys strength and durability with a visual impact that aligns it with the world of sports,’ comments studio lama. ‘we were inspired by two concurrent themes: one was the world of tough gear including power tools, tool boxes, and military gear. the other one was that of sports products. in this richly diverse sphere we explored ski masks, bikes, kitesurfs, bars, and many others.’

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
a single player is a nice fun possibility



to play the game, two players kick a ball tethered to a pole. to score, the ball must make a full turn around the pillar. a smartphone connected to the bogolog identifies the ball’s location, provides voice cues, and keeps the score. the phone can also take pictures of the players and collect additional data. all the information is then uploaded to the cloud and can be viewed in real time. it can also be shared with friends and family or with members of the online community being set up by bogolog.

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
foldable base with three weights 

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
bogolog app also designed by studiolama 

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
plastic parts 

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
more plastic components

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
final renders

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
different options that arose during the design concept phase

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
searching for a universal solution to connect the ball

studio lama bogolog tetherball smart workout device designboom
kids playing tetherball
image courtesy of drrgrills blog



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: juliana neira | designboom