designboom is just back from new york after a successful mart. our full snapshot report will be online soon. getting back into the swing of things we’re ready for our next cultural exhibition designboom mart to be held for the first time in melbourne, australia held during the annual state of design festival.

apart from our designboom mart the state of design festival event will include a series of workshops, exhibitions, pecha kucha, seminars and design:made trade fair.

read the full program of events here.

state of design festival melbourne 2009 l to r: design capital business day, design capital design day, michael reynolds

design capital (business day) will present a toolkit for tommorow’s innovative insights and case studies to assist business for the challenges of tommorow.

at the design capital (design day) international designers including nipa doshi and hernan diaz, as well as designboom’s editor nate archer will be speakers discussing the next big shifts in design culture.

michael reynolds – the garbage warrior will speak about earthships and his sustainable principles during his first visit to australia from new mexico.

state of design festival melbourne 2009 l to r : abundant exhibition, designboom mart, design laboratory

the australian abundant exhibition, which was exhibited at the 11th venice architecture biennale will be shown at various venues around the city. see designboom’s venice architecture biennale report here.

designboom mart and design: made: trade fair will be held at the city’s royal exhibition building, where visitors will have an opportunity to meet international and local designers and sample their wares.

state of design festival melbourne 2009 l to r: melbourne open house, state of design portable film festival, frestival planner

melbourne open house is a series of walks and talks that invites guests to visit various buildings around the city and learn about their structure and history.

the portable film festival works in the same way as other film festivals – the only difference is that it is delivered completely online and distributed through portable video devices.

visitors can get prepared for the festival by creating their very own festival planner.

state of design festival melbourne 2009

we are currently accepting applicants. if you are interested in participating please email us your works. hurry as places are filling fast! more details here