with the plethora of streaming services now available, it’s no wonder that many people are turning their backs on traditional TV viewing. with this in mind, MIT design student shivang vaishnav decided to reimagine the TV remote to focus purely on streaming. capsule is designed to be as simple as possible by stripping down the cognitive burdens that come with current remote layouts. simple and efficient, it’s also conceptualized to let you type faster than ever.

shivang vaishnav reimagines the TV remote to focus on streaming services designboom

all images courtesy of shivang vaishnav



the buttons are divided into two sets according to their usage. these are in the form of two squares. each side is slightly raised and at the center of the square is a button. the simple, ergonomic design means that users can perform all the necessary functions without actually having to look at the remote. held horizontally, these square sets act as directional buttons for the two cursors that are on each side of the virtual keyboard. with voice recognition not being perfect and universal in its current state, capsule intends to bridge the gap and provide the smoothest streaming experience. 

shivang vaishnav reimagines the TV remote to focus on streaming services designboom

shivang vaishnav reimagines the TV remote to focus on streaming services designboom

shivang vaishnav reimagines the TV remote to focus on streaming services

shivang vaishnav reimagines the TV remote to focus on streaming services



project info:


project name: capsule TV remote

design: shivang vaishnav


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynne myers | designboom