bike rack design: ‘dynamic seoul’ by leon zhu


‘dynamic seoul’ by leon zhu from china and ‘bud rack’ by yong su kim from korea are two of the shortlisted design entries from more than 3000 participants in our recent designboom competition, ‘seoul cycle design 2010’, organized in collaboration with seoul design foundation.


‘dynamic seoul’ aims to energize the streets of seoul while ‘bud rack’ has a decidedly more green message.


designers’ own words: ‘the project is a series of dynamic and modern street sculptures for seoul, a modern city full of youth and energy’ -leon zhu ‘the rack is shaped like buds with a notion that they grow from people cycling’ -yong su kim




seoul cycle design competition   shortlisted bike rack designs

seoul cycle design competition   shortlisted bike rack designs ‘bud rack’ by yong su kim

seoul cycle design competition   shortlisted bike rack designs




— for those who wish to republish an excerpt of this article, please have the courtesy to mention that the project is a part of the seoul cycle design competition, organized by designboom in collaboration with seoul design foundation, and link back to the original publication on designboom. thank you.