P-06 atelier & site specific architecture renovates santo antónio museum
all images © FG + SG




architects and designers came together once again to renovate the museum dedicated to the life and worship of santo antónio (saint anthony). P-06 atelier, along with site specific architecture, completed the restoration of the entire structure; along with pre-existing exhibition spaces, and contemporary environmental graphics to contextualize historical artifacts and arts. the exterior façade was designed to reinforce the visibility of the museum and to create a clear distinction between the museum and neighboring church–which share a front plaza.

santo antónio museum p-06 designboom
exhibition design and environmental graphics




inside the museum, the leading concern was to develop a modern exhibition interior, but without straying too far from original geometry and volumes. displays–on which all pieces and are are presented–had to be specially produced to accommodate the structures curved walls. the constructions contain lights to illuminate pieces and give the interior a shrine like appearance appropriate to the museum’s historical purpose. 

santo antónio museum p-06 designboom
illuminated space

P-06 atelier & site specific architecture renovates santo antónio museum
renovated interior

santo antónio museum p-06 designboom
the museum is located in lisbon, portugal


santo antónio museum p-06 designboom
vitrine detail

interior/exterior view

P-06 atelier & site specific architecture renovates santo antónio museum
museum entrance

P-06 atelier & site specific architecture renovates santo antónio museum
implantation drawing

P-06 atelier & site specific architecture renovates santo antónio museum
axonometric drawing

P-06 atelier & site specific architecture renovates santo antónio museum
interior drawing



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