‘osmose’ by julien chartier from strate collège designers, 2007 image © designboom

also held within the manufacture bâtiment H venue at the cité du design, is the exhibition ‘demain c’est aujourd’hui (part 2)’. the show brings together concept products produced by companies from varying industries and business sectors, as well as work from the students of strate collége. the models and prototypes cover a range of fields such as sport, food, leisure as well as mobility. on display are a number of concept cars which take a look at possible modes of transportation for the future.

included was ‘osmose’ by julien chartier. it is a vehicle which is made up of 50% biodegradable and 50% recyclable materials, and is designed to easily separate the car’s components for disposal, such as the chassis, cabin, engine and wheels. the biodegradable parts are made of agricultural side products and plant substances. the various car parts are made from recycled metal alloys from industrial sources. to give you an idea, the life cycle of the alloy chassis is four years, while a biodegradable one lasts about two years.

saint etienne biennale 08: concept cars at 'demain c'est aujourd'hui (part 2)' ‘audi RSK’ by kevin nougareded from strate collège designers, 2008 in partnership with audi image © designboom

the bodywork of the car has a nano-skin, in which the polymer alloy bodywork of the car alters its shape under the introduction of an electrical current which comes from a piezoelectric (the ability of crystals and certain ceramics to generate electricity) system built into the wheels of the car. this skin is not only an aesthetic feature, but also serves as a functional component of the car. it improves aerodynamics and aids in air cooling (i.e. when the car accelerates, the bonnet over the radiator grill, pulls back to take in air), making the car more streamlined so it can accelerate without overheating the engine. when the ‘audi RSK’ makes turns and bends, the skin retracts, providing more space under the wings of the car allowing the wheels to rotate.

saint etienne biennale 08: concept cars at 'demain c'est aujourd'hui (part 2)' ‘c. cactus’, citroën style concept car for citroën, 2007 image © designboom

‘c-cactus’ is a diesel hybrid saloon car. the rationale behind the design of the car is to reduce the number of components which it is made from. the cabin is comprised of approximately 200 parts, half of what is normally found in a classic saloon car of the same size, and the functions of the car laid out differently. ‘c-cactus’ is made from a number of recycled or recyclable materials. for example, the cabin is constructed from the economical and ecological material cork, and recycled leather is used for flooring.

saint etienne biennale 08: concept cars at 'demain c'est aujourd'hui (part 2)' suspended tram, ‘jeevan’ project by sandeep bhambra from strate collège designers, 2007 in partnership with alstom image © designboom

this system looks at the design of a new types of vertical urban development particularly in the cities of asia, where there are rapid developments in city infrastructure occurring. the project aims to provide networks which are respectful to the environment, with the city and network are to be powered via photovoltaic panels and windmills. ‘jeevan’ would be the modular suspended structure which carries public and private transport vehicles that are driven by magnetic energy. the form of ‘jeevan’ takes on that of an cell-like structure that can afford a high degree of rigidity while being made from a minimal amount of materials.

more saint-étienne international design biennale: http://biennalesaint-etienne.citedudesign.com cité du design: http://www.citedudesign.com