roberto manzari rebrands twitter with proposed simplified logo
all images courtesy roberto manzari




since launching in 2006, twitter has overhauled their logo just twice; the first time in 2010 with black text and the introduction of the widely recognized ‘twitter bird’, and in 2012, ditching the twitter typeface for a more simplified and refined variation of the iconic blue bird.


in 2014, italian designer roberto manzari has taken that simplification one step further, by proposing to focus on geometry for the re-brand of the existing logo. like andrew kim’s rebranding proposal for microsoft in 2012, the new design sheds some reference to the past, offering a silhouette which mimics the form of a bird beak. ‘the main idea of this logo is simplicity,’ says manzari. ‘as twitter simplifies our ways of communicating, this logo reflects the value of twitter giving it a recognizable and strong identity.’

roberto manzari rebrands twitter with simplified logo

 the new design sheds its reference to the past, offering a silhouette which heavily mimics the form of a bird beak

roberto manzari rebrands twitter with simplified logo

 the new logo featured on an android operating system

roberto manzari rebrands twitter with simplified logo

the design focuses on proportion and geometry for the re-brand of the existing logo

roberto manzari rebrands twitter with simplified logo
color palettes for the new logo