‘ditadidama’ by riccardo blumer with matteo borghi

designer riccardo blumer with matteo borghi developed ‘ditadidama’, a chair which looks solid but is in fact lightweight. the chair has a eso-skeletal type of structure achieved by creating a thin and rigid outer ‘skin’ with a noble finish glued onto a ‘full-volume’ internal mass made out of a lightweight and economical material. this procedure allowed minimal use of material and gives an aesthetic finish. the final result is a chair that weighs just 4.2 kg. the chair is produced by italian company fornasarig.

riccardo blumer and matteo borghi: ditadidama chair ‘ditadidama’

riccardo blumer and matteo borghi: ditadidama chair riccardo blumer and matteo borghi with ‘ditadidama’

riccardo blumer and matteo borghi: ditadidama chair ‘ditadidama’ chair detail

riccardo blumer and matteo borghi: ditadidama chair riccardo blumer and matteo borghi with ‘ditadidama’