Rare multi-coloured octopusa pair of rare, multi-colored blanket octopuses have been caught on camera during a night dive off the coast of romblon, philippines. captured on april 5th, 2019 by cameraman joseph elayani, the high-definition clip sees the animals glide through the water, shifting through the different colors of the rainbow, exhibiting one of nature’s most beautiful shows.

rare iridescent blanket octopuses caught on camera in the philippines
video and images by deep blue discoveries



at the beginning, the video shows one blanket octopus moving through the water, with its rainbow-colored, blanket-like silhouette that is there to scare attackers away. as the video progresses, a second octopus joins the first one and together, they dance away. scientifically called tremoctopus, the blanket octopuses occupy surface to mid-waters in subtropical and tropical oceans and its name references its long, transparent webs that connect the dorsal and dorsolateral arms. 

rare iridescent blanket octopuses caught on camera in the philippines

rare iridescent blanket octopuses caught on camera in the philippines

rare iridescent blanket octopuses caught on camera in the philippines



project info:


title: rare multi-coloured octopus

video by: deep blue discovery