french designer philippe starck has launched his latest recyclable sandal collection in collaboration with brazilian brand ipanema. the range includes six different designs including new color options such as monochrome white and black, which balance out a palette of otherwise pastel shades and neon details.
images courtesy of philippe starck
‘for 2019, it’s all about color. everything is color, everywhere‘, said philippe starck. ‘colors come from the light, which is everything because nothing exists outside of the light.’
the designer’s goal, as it has been with all previous collections, was to use the least amount of material, thus allowing the product to form to the body. the shoes range from simple flip-flops – with or without heel support – and sandals which mold around the outside of the foot.
‘the closer you get to the body, the less you can lie‘, says starck. ‘you have to go to the minimum, to the square root, in order to reach elegance and timelessness.’
to achieve his designs, ipanema adapted its industrial process to one that is more manual and artisanal. every strap and sole is assembled by hand, allowing for a perfect fit.
the collection has been produced using EVA, a soft but durable material that provides lightness and flexibility, and is resistant to tension and deformation. additional models feature neon coloring, with price points ranging from $35 USD and $55 USD.
‘when you reach elegance with a few dollars or euros, it is no longer magic; it is a modern miracle,’ starck adds.