for more than 100 years, nabisco’s barnum’s animals crackers were sold in cardboard boxes, whose packaging depicted polar bears, lions, gorillas, elephants caged behind circus bars. now — following lengthily discussions with animal rights organization PETA — the snack brand has redesigned its box and ‘freed’ the animals, who are now pictured roaming in nature, rather than held captive in cages.

animals crackers box
image by trent musho, courtesy of PETA



big victories can come in small packages, and no matter where we look, we find new evidence that people are embracing compassion for animals like never before,’ PETA said of the redesign. ‘the new box for barnum’s animals perfectly reflects that our society no longer tolerates caging and chaining exotic animals for circus shows.’ support for the ‘freed’ animals follows a sweeping awareness of animal abuse in circuses, which has seen the closure of ringling bros. and barnum & bailey circus in recent years.

animals crackers box
PETA submitted a mock-up image with the request to update its packaging

animals crackers box
the old version