Studiogib presents a machine-built open source table
StudioGIB introduces the Mill Table, a machine-built Open Source furniture project that intertwines technology and wood craftsmanship. The project, standing as both an experiment and a manifesto toward a more ‘open’ and collaborative professional community, allows users to freely download, build, and customize their own furniture. Embracing the open-source architecture philosophy, StudioGIB encourages users to access the design ‘recipe’ and produce the table locally. This approach minimizes the environmental impact associated with transport, packaging, and delivery as it reduces the carbon footprint of the process. Additionally, it fosters a healthier and more sustainable economy by supporting local craftsmen. The entire design process and its resources, from concept to execution, are documented and available online, empowering fellow designers to adapt and share their modifications.
all images by Angelo Talia, courtesy of StudioGIB
local production minimizes environmental impact
The inception of the Mill Table sprung from the practical need to craft a bespoke table for StudioGIB’s own office meeting room, topped with a layer of self-healing mats to facilitate group design work. The architecture lab’s subsequent iterations of the design prioritize lightweight and cost-effective solutions. One version features a frameless design, while the other incorporates a full plywood top finish. The main development culminated in the release of three base versions, each detailed on the dedicated GitHub site and totally customizable to the end user with a standard size of 90×220 cm.
The Mill Table’s construction relies on CNC machining, thus all the joints and connections are worked around the milling potential of the most common three axis router. Following one of the three available versions, the components neatly fit into two to three standard-size commercial plywood sheets. The assembly process, as outlined in the manual, requires no power tools, only requiring sanding, gluing, and oiling the completed parts.
an experiment and a manifesto toward a more ‘open’ and collaborative professional community
users can freely download, build, and customize their own furniture
a top layer of a 3mm deep self-healing mat, doubling as both a meeting table and a model making surface
StudioGIB’s approach minimizes environmental impact associated with transport, packaging, and delivery
simple beam to bracket joint, as assembly was designed to not use any screw or nail, or power tools
an assembly test on the first prototype (V0.7)
the whole set fit into three standard size 18mm birch plywood sheets
an excerpt of the CNC milling drawings

project info:
name: Mill Table
designer: StudioGIB | Giorgio Gibiino
photography: Angelo Talia
source: GitHub
designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: ravail khan | designboom