google asks artists + designers to make stylish shells for its onhub wi-fi router
(above) chiaozza — painted paper pulp, concrete base
all images courtesy of onhub makers




wi-fi routers rarely make an aesthetically pleasing part of your living room. typically bulky eyesores, the hardware is tolerated mainly because of its practical, and often necessary, delivery of internet to any device within the home. 


google aims to change that stigma with the introduction of the onhub makers — a collection of router covers for their onhub device revealed earlier this year. the tech giant asked artists, designers, and makers from across the world to realize a case that people would actually want to have displayed in their house. the results vary from a knitted router jacket to a quirky set of painted paper pulp containers. take a look at a few from the series below and the full set of artist-designed wi-fi shells here

doug johnston — cotton cord, sewing thread

ishknits — knit yarn

james devito — 3D printed PLA, frosted acrylic, capacitive touch color sensor, and LEDs

katie stout — resin, electronics

thing industries — synthetic fur, wood

art of plants — steam-bent wood, air plants

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