a detail of one of the flying fish image © designboom

just an update from experimentdesign amsterdam 2008. nothing design group, who just participated in designboom’s tokyo mart were also participants of the urban play exhibition which was part of experimentadesign. the group of young korean designers, directed by koo jin-woog, presented ‘fish in the sky’ as their contribution to the exhibition. along the IJ riverfront, transparent wind vanes in the shape of fish, were attached to flag poles and soared above. the fish were meant to be a school of dutch herring, with the flag poles acting like fishing rods, which have caught the fish swimming through the sky.

nothing design group at experimentadesign amsterdam 2008 the fish are meant to be a representation of dutch herring image © designboom

nothing design group at experimentadesign amsterdam 2008 image © designboom

nothing design group at experimentadesign amsterdam 2008 a member of nothing design group preparing one of the fish image © droog design

nothing design group at experimentadesign amsterdam 2008 fish flying high along the IJ riverfront in amsterdam image © designboom


nothing design group: http://www.designnothing.com droog design: http://www.droog.com urban play: http://www.urbanplay.org experimentadesign amsterdam: http://www.experimentadesign.nl