nendo’s rolled paper-like pillars present shoes at camper stockholm shop
all photos by camper and joakim blockstrom




following the original concept of ‘shoes that walk freely through the air‘ — as seen in paris, san francisco, moscow and osaka stores — and the subsequent idea of ‘warehouse-like white space occupied by neatly lined-up footwear‘ — realized in new york and madrid stores, nendo has now designed a retail space for camper shoes in stockholm. the latest interior scheme is based on rolled paper-like structures, which display the footwear on their naturally formed pillars.


2mm-thick resin flooring material has been spun into self-supporting structures serving as presentation platforms that give a sense that the shoes are balancing on paper sheets. hidden LEDs fitted in each unit emit a diffused light from beneath the shoes, furthering a quality of three-dimensionality and weightlessness. symbolically, the japanese designer gives a soft, thin and flat material form — the core idea behind the shoemaking process.

nendo camper stockholm
footwear is displayed on naturally formed pillars

nendo camper stockholm
layers of rolled resin look like paper sheets

nendo camper stockholm
2mm-thick resin flooring material has been spun into a self-supporting structure

nendo camper stockholm
the window includes the rolled structures

nendo camper stockholmnendo camper stockholm
LEDs illuminate the footwear, adding a luminous quality