image © matthieu lavanchy

young swiss photographer matthieu lavanchy has those skills of photographing a room, the images take on an extremely performative quality that brings to life a world of surreal constructions.

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoors image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoors image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoors image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoors image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoors image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoors image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoors‘morte saison’ image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoorsthe aftermath by matthieu lavanchy in collaboration with stefanie pluta image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy: the great indoorsthe aftermath by matthieu lavanchy in collaboration with stefanie pluta image © matthieu lavanchy

matthieu lavanchy was born in switzerland in 1986. he studied photography at ECAl Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne. lavanchy currently lives and works in new york

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