from danielle baskin, the creator of masks that unlock your phone, comes maskalike — a service that prints images onto protective face masks. ‘wether it’s a replication of your own face or your favorite meme, we care about the details. our masks are sure to make people around you do double-takes and have a brighter day.’
san francisco-based product designer, situation designer and visual artist danielle baskin has been creating viral, sometimes unnecessary and somehow dystopian items throughout her career. with a diverse and inventive portfolio, her work encompasses objects, events and even companies that she creates and then sells, in a truly entrepreneurial style.
her masks projects have been extremely popular online as they aim to solve a contradictory set of problems at the same time. the first one considers our relationship with technology and how facial recognition softwares are affected by the use of masks. baskin proposes a fully washable mask with your face perfectly printed, without being deformed. when using it, not only your phone will recognize you, but so will your family, friends, and the person you always get your coffee from. but you don’t necessarily need to print your face on your mask. on the website, the designer is selling pre-printed hide the pain harold meme masks to physically become the meme.
project info:
name: maskalike
designer: danielle baskin