martin szekely: heroic shelves & simple boxes galerie kreo, paris november 7th to december 19th, 2009

table basse image © fabrice gousset, courtesy galerie kreo

the upcoming show at galerie kreo ‘heroic shelves & simple boxes’, is a collection of furniture by martin szekely. the pieces are tables, cabinets and shelves made from lightweight cork, but their forms have a weight and robustness.

szekely views his work as ‘detached from the expressionism of the drawing…his aim is to achieve an economy in the result which can’t even be defined as minimalist: a commonplace.‘

martin szekely: heroic shelves & simple boxes simple boxes cabinet image © fabrice gousset, courtesy galerie kreo

martin szekely: heroic shelves & simple boxes image © fabrice gousset, courtesy galerie kreo

martin szekely: heroic shelves & simple boxes detail of the cabinet image © fabrice gousset, courtesy galerie kreo

martin szekely: heroic shelves & simple boxes table and bureau image © fabrice gousset, courtesy galerie kreo

martin szekely: heroic shelves & simple boxes image © fabrice gousset, courtesy galerie kreo

martin szekely: heroic shelves & simple boxestable image © fabrice gousset, courtesy galerie kreo martin szekely: heroic shelves & simple boxes image © fabrice gousset, courtesy galerie kreo