‘today and tommorow’, benches image © designboom

‘today and tommorow’ is a series of benches designed by korean company gookbo art inc. the benches are decorated with an ume flower, one of the ‘four gracious plants’ and a butterfly, a symbol of strength, hope and generosity in korean culture. using a traditional technique they inserted mother of pearl on the surface of the bench. gookbo art inc were part of the korean stand at 100% design.

london design festival 08: gookbo art inc. korea at 100% design ‘today and tommorow’, bench image © designboom

london design festival 08: gookbo art inc. korea at 100% design ‘today and tommorow’, benches image © designboom

london design festival 08: gookbo art inc. korea at 100% design image © designboom


http://www.gookbo.com http://www.100percentdesign.co.uk