the experimental brand, lewu design studio, has given old furniture a new lease of life by covering tables and chairs in foamed silica gel. the ‘borrowing for birth’ project looks at how furniture is being constantly replaced and abandoned, until they become useless objects on the scrap heap. the concept focuses on the ideas of regeneration, integration, and reconstruction to create new, interesting forms.

'borrowing for birth' by lewu design studio covers abandoned furniture in colored foam

all images courtesy of lewu design studio



the studio has picked up used furniture from second-hand markets, then given them a new skin by covering the surface in colored foam. the project therefore borrows from the existing to build different shapes. the resulting pieces resemble natural forms such as coral and moss, which both grow organically into new terrains. ‘borrowing for birth’ follows this idea to borrow from natural power to survive and co-exist. with this collection, lewu has created an interesting and colorful project that also makes us question how we view discarded objects and how we can re-use them to create something new.

'borrowing for birth' by lewu design studio covers abandoned furniture in colored foam

'borrowing for birth' by lewu design studio covers abandoned furniture in colored foam
'borrowing for birth' by lewu design studio covers abandoned furniture in colored foam

'borrowing for birth' by lewu design studio covers abandoned furniture in colored foam

'borrowing for birth' by lewu design studio covers abandoned furniture in colored foam

'borrowing for birth' by lewu design studio covers abandoned furniture in colored foam

'borrowing for birth' by lewu design studio covers abandoned furniture in colored foam



project info:


project name: ‘borrowing for birth’

project type: furniture collection

designer: lewu design studio


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynne myers | designboom