thinking about what drinking tea should be like in the modern age, lucy alter design has developed a personal teapot based on the kyusu model that was created in 1756, when people first began to use teapots in japan. based on the concept of ‘making tea extraction ultimately simple’, the g-mark winning product is made using extremely thick, clear resin, which allows users to witness tea leaves as they open, as well as the boiled water’s color change during the process.

making tea extraction ultimately simple with this new kyusu clear teapotall images courtesy of lucy alter design & senchado tokyo



for the making of the clear teapot, lucy alter design has applied a special technique with only one-time molding, which results in no parting lines, gate marks, or burrs. even if it appears like glass, the final product is breakage-proof and insulated, while it can be stacked thanks to its no-handle design. to minimize the making process as much as possible, the teapot is designed just for one person, so you don’t need to measure 120ml water.


the clear teapot has won the g-mark japan good design award 2018 in the cutleries and tablewares category.

making tea extraction ultimately simple with this new kyusu clear teapot making tea extraction ultimately simple with this new kyusu clear teapot making tea extraction ultimately simple with this new kyusu clear teapot making tea extraction ultimately simple with this new kyusu clear teapot making tea extraction ultimately simple with this new kyusu clear teapot making tea extraction ultimately simple with this new kyusu clear teapot