kinematics modular robotic building blocks





kinematics is a building block construction kit that allows children with no computer skills build interactive robots introducing them to mechanics, sensors and renewable energy. the modular kinetic parts and adaptor blocks were invented by leonhard oschütz at bauhaus university weimar developed through 3D printing technologies, which allowed them to easily draft up prototypes of the individual components in order that they could test their stability and overall effectiveness.



kinematics modular robotic building blocksdog



kinematics modular robotic building blocks
the kinetic components of the building kit



the construction system is composed from kinetic modules and adapter blocks which can easily be connected to one another freely without the use of cables. the major feature of the kit is that the components use an integrated serve motor that allows a variety of movements–three different modules for rotational, tilt and shift functions.


it is projected that in the future, kinematics will offer parts that allow users to realize both linear motion, as well as 360 rotations which would happen through a 360 degree rotating-plug-connectors offering stability, and ensuring the foolproof joining and separation of the pieces, affording a number of design and movement configurations.



robot dog prototype
video courtesy of kinematicblocks




kinematics modular robotic building blocks
available kinetic modules




kinematics modular robotic building blocks


kinematics modular robotic building blocks




kinematics modular robotic building blocks
power station



demonstrating the record and play interface
video courtesy of kinematicblocks



kinematics – robots for kids
video courtesy of kinematicblocks


kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks
kinematics modular robotic building blocks