more often than not, construction workers are exposed to many hazards in specific situations like tunnel excavation. jaehoon jung’s unit-helmet is a result from interviews with swiss construction workers, which has adopted a modular system that makes it easily assembled or disassembled. this enables workers to actively respond to volatile surroundings. all these accessories can be easily replaced by means of the magnetic snap system. and the unit is able to be attached to many fastener systems that are ergonomically situated on top of the helmet, allowing the accessories to be assembled in combination with the other units, which ensures safety from multiple hazards that occur simultaneously.

jaehoon jung's helmet allows workers to place accessories with a magnetic snap system
this worker only uses the earmuff unit to protect his ears from noise



korean industrial designer jaehoon jung‘s biggest design feature for the helmet is that there are six ergonomically positioned female magnetic parts on the main shell. therefore, it is possible to install from one to three accessories together at the same time, and it plays a role in maintaining the safety of the operator from the risks that are generated in multiple danger situations. for example, a torch, an earmuff, and a face visor can be used at the same time for workers who cut metal at the tunnel construction site.

jaehoon jung's helmet allows workers to place accessories with a magnetic snap system
it is possible to install from one to three accessories together at the same time



from the user experience point of view, the biggest feature of this helmet is that it allows you to replace them with simpler, faster, and a more playful style, because each accessory has a smart magnetic snap system. traditional helmets often use rubber bands or screws when attaching accessories such as a torch or earplug, which can take a lot of time, or fall into severe motion, due to the need to peel and attach the helmet. however, the unit-helmet does not require the user to take it off. it can assemble and disassemble the accessories quickly and firmly, and the unique ‘click’ makes the helmet possible to clearly confirm whether or not it is mounted.

jaehoon jung's helmet allows workers to place accessories with a magnetic snap system
the worker uses a face visor, earmuffs, and torch to protect him from various dangers



the magnetic module system used in this helmet is based on the four types of modules introduced here, and can be expanded according to the characteristics of the construction site and the role of the operator. for example, a person with a supervisory role in construction may be able to add an attachment video camera or writing instrument module, and in the case of a logger, add a mesh guard, will satisfy the requirements generated by a large number of workers, and will lead to a greater number of consumers for sales companies.

jaehoon jung's helmet allows workers to place accessories with a magnetic snap system
he uses only a torch to lighten dark work place
jaehoon jung's helmet allows workers to place accessories with a magnetic snap system
the scenario of how to attach each unit on the shell

jaehoon jung's helmet allows workers to place accessories with a magnetic snap system
the unit-helmet demonstrated with each of the accessories attached



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: apostolos costarangos | designboom