on friday, june 25, 2021, the US government released a highly anticipated report on UFOs. while it found ‘no clear indications’ of extraterrestrial visitations, the report also didn’t rule it out. coinciding with the report, IKEA decided to get ahead of others and prepare a warm welcome in case aliens do exist. in this whimsical project called #furnitureforall, IKEA UAE teamed up with the design team at ogilvy dubai to create a special range of furniture assembly manuals for aliens.
images courtesy of IKEA
from the brimnes bed to the poäng armchair, the designers at ogilvy dubai have translated IKEA‘s assembly manuals into a cryptic alien language. the manuals retain the same diagrammatic style as the human manuals but include helpful hints for aliens such as a reminder not to beam newly-acquired furniture pieces directly onto their spaceship.
‘in case extraterrestrials move to our planet, we want to help them build their new dream home easily on earth’, says IKEA. ‘we’ve crafted a special range of furniture assembly manuals in the alien’s first language and true IKEA style, so they can easily understand and assemble IKEA’s most popular home furnishing solutions.’

project info:
name: furniture for all
client: IKEA UAE
GM marketing, communication, HF and retail design (UAE, qatar, eqypt, and oman): carla klumpenaar
regional campaign leader: binita chowdhury
regional digital marketing leader: dina al sahhar
group creative director: cristiano tonnarelli
senior art director: eduardo guimarães
junior copywriter: toan mai
managing partner: hadi ballout
senior account manager: alaa nour
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: lynne myers | designboom