ideal cobble: glass preforms for contemporary tool knapping by studio amidov
all images by moti fishbain
designed resources have an almost invisible presence in modern daily life. everything from vegetables, to landscapes, to bee-hives and dogs, has been altered generation-by-generation with the help of humans. in a sense, design has always been a part of our culture. provisions of nature were taken and explored, eventually transitioning into usable objects like tools, clothing, and shelters.
‘ideal cobble’ performs 01, 02, and 03
knapping, the prehistoric tool-making craft by means of controlled breaking, is a clear example of human improvisation. the process is simple, a hammer stone is struck repeatedly against another hard stone — typically flint or in some instances obsidian glass — progressively shaping the rock into a functional tool.
video courtesy of vered ganchrow
ami drach (1963-2012) and dov ganchrow of studio amidov have spent years studying prehistoric objects, and the techniques through which they are created. ‘ideal cobble’ is the next step in the studio’s explorations. conceived as a mail-order from nature, the tool-making performs are created in specific sizes, shapes, and orientations. optimized for knapping, they allow for the creation of a tool with minimal effort and loss of material, and are specifically crafted to fracture in a desired manner; homogenous and predictable.
knapped blade
‘ideal cobble’ stones are made with cast red glass, whose characteristics are similar to obsidian and more accessible than other options such as alumina or zirconium (such as found modern ceramic kitchen knives). each perform has designated angled surfaces to receive knapping blows, and given the user knows what they’re doing, will fracture and flake into a sharp, serrated edge.
glass shards
glass preform 01
before and after striking
knapped glass preform 01
perform 02 before and after
the red cast glass has similar traits to obsidian, an optimal tool-making material
perform 03
the shape is created by striking the perform with another hard stone repeatedly
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: nick brink | designboom