hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022

hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022



Gen-Z students of Hongik University, South Korea, go all out for the school’s 2022 Industrial Design Online Degree Show. From NFT, mixed reality and smart home concepts to the metaverse and smart mobility, the future seems a little bit brighter and a little bit smarter. A total of 79 projects envision what the next automation years hold, through daring devices and products that demonstrate fascinating design ideas on Korean core-competence in advanced technology and media culture. The theme of the degree show is ‘Inter-‘, meaning the relationship of things. Objects in space, events in time and inter-human relationships, experiences, structures and strategies all come together in a world where they all inter-twine.



To honor the creativity of the students, designboom shares 10 smart-life concepts of industrial design. To view all the projects, visit the University’s website here.



Hoon Choi / Hyemin Jin – Stoto


Can a stool become a pet? Students Hoon Choi and Hyemin Jin imagined Stoto – the companionship stool brand that ignites the revolution of sentient products. In the future, the relationship between product and human will become equal, thus each of the products has a different personality. For example, the red one inflates its body to make it easier for people to sit on it. Beware though, if the stool doesn’t like you, it will deflate.

hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022

student: Hoon Choi with Hyemin Jin / tutor: Kang-Hyun Lee



Nayoung Kim – Life of KINFOLK


Sign up if exploring is what you’re looking for. The Life of KINFOLK by Nayoung Kim, is a participatory service space designed by utilizing augmented reality and offline space with the aim of overcoming the slump in the printing magazine industry. The three-dimensional magazine lets people envision the space they’re reading about and explore different people’s stories. Those introduced by the brand will be called Kinfolk residents, which will allow explorers to learn all about their stories and meet them. The empty space is filled with augmented reality contents suited to an explorer’s preferences based on previous analysis about their lifestyle. As they move along the space, these explorers can naturally experience the KINFOLK’s lifetime from childhood to elderhood – the five main spaces throw questions about the biggest concerns of each age group.

hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022

student: Nayoung Kim / tutor: Jung-Kyo Lee



Joowon Lee – Linker


As overurbanization makes cities even more concentrated, mobility solutions are needed. Linker by Joowon Lee lets the user fly to their destination and see a whole new world from above. The large window surfaces offer wide sky views, while the passenger seats and embedded technologies are optimized for comfort as the ground-sky-city relationship is as connected as ever.

hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022

student: Joowon Lee / tutor: Keun Lee and Jun-Hyuck Eoh



Seunglok Yoo – CREVICE


People, nature, and mobility interconnect stronger than before with CREVICE by Seunglok Yoo. In the modern society, the value of nature is becoming priceless and, as a result, people seek to find ways to connect more with it. Without setting physical boundaries, the mobility concept helps fellow humans interact with one another to create a unified ecosystem, thus letting them bond deeply with nature.

hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022

student: Seunglok Yoo / tutor: Keun Lee and Jun-Hyuck Eoh



Yejin An – Hub


Hub: the realistic metaverse shared space of the future. Student Yejin An envisions this kind of futuristic service where AR glasses are commercialized. Through ‘Hub online service’, users can build, customize, and save numerous AR spaces, while the ‘offline service’, allows a vivid, interactive experience – still with AR glasses.



Hub / student: Yejin An / tutor: Jung-Kyo Lee


Yoongyu Yang – Chilling Cooling


Chilling Cooling by Yoongyu Yang is the ultimate camping device needed. Camping-enthusiasts are always fully equipped and prepared, but for those who just want to give it a try or are beginners, buying all the tools might be a burden – and that’s where Chilling Cooling comes in handy. All the essential items can be packed in a single carrier, which also becomes a cooler, a storage unit, a table and a light.

hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022
Chilling Cooling

student: Yoongyu Yang / tutor: Kang-Hyun Lee



Taehyun Kim – HAVEN


HAVEN is not a place on earth – yet. The autonomous vehicle concept by Taehyun Kim is the comfortable space the young generations need. With its embedded appliances and built-in technology, the car matches various lifestyles, be it an urban ride to the city or an outdoor excursion. Fully customizable, any space becomes personalized to match the required needs.

hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022

student: Taehyun Kim / tutor: Tate Eun-Young Kim



Hyunmyung Kim/Sunmin Cho – SHINMYO


A multi-dimensional metaverse meets Korean tradition. SHINMYO by Hyunmyung Kim and Sunmin Cho transforms the user into the tale-old figure Dokkaebi – the folklore goblin. With him, the explorer learns all about the country’s culture, while reviving the ruined forest through sparks of creative ideas, and adventures. The metaverse sometimes takes off the invisible ‘Dokkaebi Gamtoo’ hat and an actual pop-up store appears in reality.



SHINMYO / student: Hyunmyung Kim with Sunmin Cho / tutor: Ik-Seo Choi and Myun Kim


Jeongmin Lee – Off the Viewport


Off the Viewport by Jeongmin Lee is the first flagship store of ROSA.K. The design combines the brand’s unique monogram with the Korean traditional painting ‘Seogado’. By mixing the original pattern with new materials, customers can experience different senses as well as witness images being created by expanding the planar image of ‘Seogado’ and the monogram into three-dimensional objects.

hongik university's students see the smart-life future for online degree show 2022
Off the Viewport

student: Jeongmin Lee / tutor: Ik-Seo Choi and Myun Kim



Gayoon Lee, Eunwoo Choi – Fillin’


Fillin’ by Gayoon Lee and Eunwoo Choi  is Monami’s Mind care Center. The space is designed for mindfulness and self-care, portrayed via writing and drawing with Monami’s products. Fillin’ literally fills the squared manuscript paper as a metaphor of filling one’s mind. The first floor is an open room where one can heal with interactive installations, while the second floor is for those who express themselves through writing, where they are given a chance to choose the atmosphere that inspires them the most.



Fillin’ / student: Gayoon Lee with Eunwoo Choi / tutor: Ik-Seo Choi and Myun Kim



event info:


school: Hongik University Industrial Design Department

event: 2022 Online Degree Show

physical opening: November 22

virtual opening: December 05

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metaverse (58)

NFT (non-fungible token) (104)

smart home technology (102)

virtual and augmented reality (207)