phobophobia designed by hat-trick design published by knock knock


hat-trick have designed the book phobophobia: a visual compendium of things that scare us.the book is published by knock knock and illustrates 85 phobias and will be on sale from march 1st, 2013.


jim sutherland from hat-trick explains:


‘it’s a visual collection of the things we are scared of. we have illustrated each one with the word itself. these ones are the fear of books, razors, beards, spiders, flies, peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth, snakes and ladders, shadows and death.’


we also found a lovely quote for the inside cover:


‘fear has many eyes and can see underground’ – miguel de cervantes



hat trick design: phobophobia   book of phobiasbibliophobia – the fear of books



hat trick design: phobophobia   book of phobiasarachnophobia – the fear of spiderspteronarcophobia – fear of flies



hat trick design: phobophobia   book of phobiasarachibutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the top of your mouth



hat trick design: phobophobia   book of phobiasclimacophobia – fear of stairs



hat trick design: phobophobia   book of phobiashippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – fear of long words



hat trick design: phobophobia   book of phobiasophidiophobia – fear of snakesstepnophobia – fear of ladders



hat trick design: phobophobia   book of phobiassciophobia – fear of shadowsthanatophobia – fear of death



hat trick design: phobophobia   book of phobiassciophobia – fear of shadows