sprouts cultivation made simple with grow farming system by malgorzata blachnicka




‘grow’ is an innovative sprouts farming system developed by austrian designer malgorzata blachnicka for domestic use. taking form as a domed-cylinder with base, the micro-greenhouse sustains proper temperature and humidity, as well as integrates watering, to optimize growth while minimizing the learning curve.

grow in-home sprouts farming malgorzata blachnicka
‘grow’ detail, design by malgorzata blachnicka 
images © malgorzata blachnicka




blachnicka’s work explores issues surrounding many consumers’ modest agricultural education, resulting in an understandable product more similar to kitchen appliance than farming tool. ‘grow’ is designed for the production of superfoods, a diverse grouping of nutrient-laden items that pack vitamins and minerals within small portions. sprouts are merely one amongst the group, which includes the likes of: grains (quinoa), nuts, berries (goji), trendy seeds such as chia, and more.

in the kitchen




sprouts are an excellent choice due to their rapid growth-harvest cycles and year-round potential. unfortunately, benefits are coupled with an uneasy temperament that requires knowledge, time, and attention for successful cultivation. ‘grow’ comes equipped to support users’ attempts by pairing a custom-designed mobile application — creatively titled ‘grow app’ — that provides feedback. included within are monitors that record irrigation and water demand or sudden/sustained temperature changes; the app also features a schedule, seed store, and access to relevant agricultural information.

user storyboard




‘grow’ relies on the use of seed blisters, a textured, nutrient-enriched mass that encloses seeds. the blister’s fibrous composition mimics natural conditions to bolster and quicken sprouting. biodegradable materials — cellulose, corn and coconut fibers — can be utilized for blisters, bi-products of agricultural industries which are mostly perceived as waste.

sprouts cultivation made simple with grow farming system by malgorzata blachnicka
sprouts growth app




the small counter-top unit accommodates two blisters at once, providing enough servings to last until another batch is harvested. following a four-to-five hour pre-soak, seed-impregnated blisters are loaded into ‘grow’ and a glass of water poured into the bottom reservoir. pressing down on the glass causes water to spray into the chamber, and is collected in a removable waste-water vestibule located above the fresh supply. with information and data support by grow app, sprouts can be ready for consumption as little as three days after initial soaking. ‘grow’ sprouts farming system was designed by malgorzata blachnicka

grow in-home sprouts farming malgorzata blachnicka

opening the dome

grow in-home sprouts farming malgorzata blachnicka
form explorations

sprouts cultivation made simple with grow farming system by malgorzata blachnicka
sprouter prototype

seed blister experiments

grow in-home sprouts farming malgorzata blachnicka
sprouted blister 

sprouts cultivation made simple with grow farming system by malgorzata blachnicka
concept sketches



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions  feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: nick brink | designboom