‘mosaic – new byzantine’ pattern for textitura magazine

spanish graphic designer, itxaso torrontegui palacios recently designed graphics especially for texitura – printing design magazine, a publication which provides information on pattern trends by different artists. torrontegui’s work in issue no. 46, is based on three main themes: ‘urban forest’, ‘new byzantine’ and ‘magic life’. to create the patterns she combined collage, hand drawing and painting.

graphics by itxaso torrontegui palacios detail of ‘mosaic – new byzantine’ pattern for textitura magazine

graphics by itxaso torrontegui palacios detail of ‘mosaic – new byzantine’ pattern for textitura magazine

graphics by itxaso torrontegui palacios ‘magic life’ patterns for texitura magazine

graphics by itxaso torrontegui palacios ‘urban forest’ pattern for texitura magazine

graphics by itxaso torrontegui palacios cover for issue no. 46 of texitura magazine

graphics by itxaso torrontegui palacios graphics for lázaro galdiano museum in madrid

torrontegui also completed work for lázaro galdiano museum in madrid. her graphics were used to promote the institution (in collaboration with IED). the work is influenced by her own contemporary and personal interpretation of four specific objects of the museum.

graphics by itxaso torrontegui palacios detail of graphics for lázaro galdiano museum in madrid